LOVE – a powerful word that brings up strong emotions. Heart racing, pulse beating, butterflies in your tummy….all signs and signals that your body is emiting, combined with the heady feeling of mind racing or is it mindlessness, the feeling of flying and falling….all wrapped up in the experience of being in LOVE.
Are you in LOVE with what you do?
Do you look forward to your Mondays?
Do you end your week in high spirits regardless of the challenges you’ve faced? Do you have the resilience to bounce back from setbacks, rejections, and disappointments?
If you can shake off the dust and try again—and again and again—until you finally secure that contract, that job, or that client, then you are truly in LOVE with your work.
Loving your job is the single most powerful factor in ensuring your success. And remember, success isn’t solely about material gains. It can also manifest in the kind words of appreciation from colleagues, watching your community grow, and gaining new clients through word-of-mouth. It’s felt in that skip in your gait as you walk into the office each day.
My journey through various roles.
Over the past 25 years, I’ve experienced a mix of roles and jobs. Some positions ignited that passionate feeling I described earlier, my role in sales and marketing in the hospitality industry was a good example. Of course the leadership vision and your core team also makes a big difference. Then there were other roles that left me feeling unfulfilled and eager to leave, where the expectations of the role did not match with my own values and beliefs. There were also jobs where I simply ambled along, waiting for the day to end, counting down the hours until the weekend, and just living for my holidays. This, I believe, is the worst scenario of all—tolerating a job like a zombie, devoid of any real reason to rise each morning, is something that is easy enough to do, with no motivation to make any kind of change.
Loving what you do is the difference between merely existing in a job and thriving in a career. When you’re passionate about your work, every challenge becomes an opportunity for growth. You feel energized by the tasks at hand, and your enthusiasm is palpable.
Finding your LOVE
If you find yourself in a role that lacks passion, it’s important to seek change. Yes its not easy. I remember thinking, then overthinking, seeking answers, meeting mentors and having a lot of time for reflection on what truly excites me, before making the change. Whether it was from the e-learning to the hospitality industry or from corporate to becoming a stay-at-home mom, I followed my heart and did what was needed to find my LOVE and focus on my priorities at that time.
So pursue paths that align with your interests. Engage with your colleagues, seek feedback, and set meaningful goals, build accountability. Change is not easy, but change is important. Surround yourself with positivity and inspiration and don’t hesitate to take help when you can’t do it alone.
Loving what you do is a a vital component of a fulfilling life. Take that necessary step towards aligning your work with your interests and values. It’s never too late to pursue what you love. Embrace the journey, and you may find that the path to fulfillment is just as rewarding as the destination.
Photo by Jopwell:
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