I recently coached a mom who after five years of being a full-time mother was feeling restless and lonely. She loved
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The Power of a ‘Niche’
The word 'niche' came up in my life very recently, during the covid years, as I signed up for one business program after
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Be a coach today!
Do you know that every person you interact with is most likely tapping into a very small fraction of what they are truly
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6 Biggest Mistakes in Personal Branding
Being a Business and Personal Branding coach, I have come across many different posts, articles, books on the
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What is the best time to send out Email Newsletters?
A newsletter is a critical tool that your use to send out information to your audience. The day and time you send it out
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7 tips on how to grow your small business
1. Invest in Systems - Yes we can do it all because we have the passion, but we do not have infinite time and energy.
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Build a community for your small business
When I started my first Facebook group back in 2015 looking for support from my fellow Indian mums in Hong Kong, little
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Coaching children
Child: a young human who is below the legal age of majority.
"She's such a child!" One would use this statement to
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Closing my business feels like …
As a coach I have started talking a lot about feelings. Very often we get so involved in “doing” things that we stop
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